We are a company with more than seven years of experience for our customers, specializing in high quality self storage. Our team is broad and skilled, and we are a fully vetted member of the Self Storage Association, which endorses us as a company meeting only the highest standards of business and quality for our customers. Come visit any of our locations, and we believe you will see why we’re so esteemed. |
When some businesses own multiple locations, it can be difficult to tell which one is right for you, some may be outdated or left to linger, others might be worth the ‘blanket’ cost between locations. Not with us. Each and every one of our locations is kept to the highest standards possible. Full time video surveillance, ground level, drive up access to units, even interior units kept climate controlled for your more sensitive possessions, and of course, each facility is kept well lit at all hours, even when the office is closed. Never again worry that your belongings will not be found in the same condition as you left them. |
Mega Storage can easily handle anything you need, from our range of amenities to our variety of packing and moving supplies, to our variety of units, and of course, our talented staff. The unique combination of all these things takes us above all our competition, and if you give us a chance, we’re certain you will agree. You, as our customer, can rest easy knowing your belongings are kept with only the highest level of care, commitment, and consideration. |
With a variety of locations, years of experience, and a professional team that’s unrivaled in the industry, Mega Storage is no exaggeration. Whatever you may need, we have it. We offer modern and updated facilities at all of our locations, your belongings will be treated with only the highest standards of care. Our unrivaled approach to the storage business is what has made us so successful, so quickly. |